Saturday, July 14, 2018

Spreadsheets - Passed

This is another super easy course for me.  I am Microsoft Office Specialist Master Certified in Excel from years ago, but that isn't a certification that they take into account for credit.  So, I needed to get through this course.

Similarly to Intro to IT, I started with the pre-assessment.  I think it took me 3 hours and I passed.  I know my stuff, but I'm rusty enough that the more cumbersome formulas took some concentration.  I was also very distracted by my family while I was trying to complete it.  I used my coaching report to guide my studies and focused on those areas that were weakest/slowest for me.  That included reviewing statistical formulas, text searching, amortization formulas and 2 Excel features that I knew nothing about, the What If table and the Solver feature.  In reading posts from my my fellow students the pre-assessment and the actual exam are almost exactly the same, so that's great news for those preparing for this course.  Other topics covered in this course include basic formulas, logic formulas, v/hlookup, concatenation, charts, graphs, pivot tables, and cell/worksheet references.  I studied for about 8 hours total over 3 evenings to prepare for this exam.  I did not use the course tips or course chatter.

Things to note, you have to have Microsoft Excel installed on your PC.  WGU students can get Microsoft Office 365 for free following this link and using their WGU account info.

The only requirement for this course is the OA from home.  It took me less than 2 hours to complete and I received an Exemplary score of 97.9%.

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